Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Lost Check

A couple of days ago Aaron and I were out for one of our after-dinner walks. I suggested we take shorts walks (between 30-45 minutes) after dinner to help our food digest and also gain a little more cardio throughout the week. Since both of our jobs require us to sit most of the day, it’s nice to get outside and enjoy some fresh air.

Anyway, on the way home we turned the corner onto our street and laying on the sidewalk was a filled out check. We both hesitated and I bent down and picked it up, reading it as we walked to our apartment a few houses away. I decided I would call the person whose name was written on the check and ask if he waned it returned to him. The check was only for $20.00 and dated a week ago.

I called and the phone went straight to voicemail so I left a brief message saying that I had found the check on the ground and I wasn’t sure if he wanted me to return it. I also mentioned that if I didn’t hear from him, I would just tear it up. I haven’t heard from him in the past couple of days so I'll shred the check. I would want someone to do the same for me.